Hi, I’m esther!

I started my journey while grieving a very significant loss in my life.

I was a pick me up off the floor kind of broken. Suffering from a broken heart and an identity crisis began my healing journey. I started with a very simple daily meditation practice and sought out some spiritual healing. I had suffered other losses over the course of my life and found that talking to therapists did not really work for me to gain the results that I wanted. I wanted to connect with an alternative healing modality. It was time to get radical and think outside the box. I started going to a spiritualist church, where I was introduced to mediumship. My father had passed when I was a teenager, and I was longing for connection, messages, and advice from him. I was experiencing so many changes and was totally out of my comfort zone and quite frankly…willing to try anything to get relief from my pain and broken heart.

From the first service I was hooked. I loved the energy, I loved the people, and the messages from spirits were so comforting, I kept going back. The church offered mediumship development classes which I was very excited to try. As I healed, my gift started to grow. I started clearing out the grief, the sadness, the anger, and the fear. It was a slow and steady road with lots of bumps along the way but, healing is all about the ups and downs and taking the good with the bad - a roller coaster! I had a very profound ‘awaking’ one evening while spending some time with a close friend and since then, life hasn’t been the same. .

The awakening was my gift.

This beautiful gift allows me to receive very accurate messages from spirits. I hear, see, feel, know and sense them around me.

I am crafting and navigating this amazing gift day by day. I had many experiences where situations in my life did not turn out the way I expected, or I was the one scratching my head saying how the hell did that happen? The biggest unpredictable turn in my life is when I had to be stripped to bare bones, made vulnerable, and have everything I love removed from my life in order to receive and accept my gift. The journey that I am on within mediumship and healing is everything I could have asked for. I lived for many years stuck in grief and living my life going through the motions without awareness. This chapter of my life gave me meaning. It came on fast and strong and I am embracing it with open arms and the faith that I am doing what I am meant to.

Upon the discovery of my gifts, brought so much change to my life. I have had moments that have brought me to my knees and others that have me allowed to experience pure bliss. I am aware that I am a work in progress and perfection is overrated. I am purely living my life authentically. Messy, with emotion and vulnerable moments is just fine with me.