Frequently asked questions

What is a psychic medium?

A psychic medium is someone who has extrasensory capabilities that enable the person to perceive and interpret spirits and forces. Mediumship is to be in the middle between 2 worlds... To bridge the gap between the spiritual realm and the physical one. As a medium, I am able to raise my vibration to meet spirits in the middle. Hence the word ‘medium’. There are many ways that spirits communicate through our intuition:

Hearing - Clairaudience

Seeing - Clairvoyance

Knowing - Claircognizance

Feeling - Clairsentience

WHere are you located?

Guelph, Ontario.

How much does a session cost?

A 1 hour reading session is $75 and is non-refundable.

What happens if i can’t make my appointment?

If plans change and you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment please try to let me know at least 48 hours prior to your appointment time. However, I understand life happens! Please just reach out to me and keep me updated. Any no shows that want to re-book with me will have to pay prior to booking.